You see the Success other Agents have with things and want to replicate it, but in most cases its building a Business in the Sandbox - maybe it will work for a bit but eventually you will suffer either Burnout or a marketshift will disrupt your Business Operations
Information is not the problem. in fact, we are probably on information-overload. the true magic happens when you put a plan into action and this is what we specialize in. actionable steps - from one busy mom to another - so you know that this can get done.
So many agents do not know the resources that they have on their fingertips as agents. I have helped countless agents discover these free resources - and most importantly showed them how to Put them to use during our weekly free lunch & learns
Effortlessly generate more leads with postcards—the smartest medium in marketing is perfect to focus in on a Hyper Local Area - Let me show you how I send postcards with a 10x return each year.
Master geographic farming strategies with tips from a top-performing licensed agent! Our weekly Lunch & Learns are free and a great place to start your journey with Geographic Farming & Direct Mail
We train real estate agent interested in Geographic Farming & Direct Mail Marketing - affordable, profitable, and effortless
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